BHC Library Tutorial

This tutorial requires Javascript, a technology built into most recent web browsers. Your browser's Javascript is disabled, or possibly you are using a very old browser that does not sufficiently support Javascript.

The remainder of this page gives instructions for various remedies.


  1. Make note of the URL of this tutorial
    • You may need it to get back here.
  2. Determine What Browser You are Using - You may need the URL you noted above to get back here after doing the following
    • Select Help / About ... from the menu.
    • Note the name of the browser (eg. "Internet Explorer", "Netscape", "Opera", etc) and the version number .

      Note: Internet Explorer 4.40.308 is actually version 1.0 - this is a very old browser and will need to be upgreaded.

You have two alternatives:

  1. You may enable Javascript on your browser ( click here for instructions), or
  2. You may upgrade your browser (click here for instructions).

Alternative 1: Enable Javascript on your browser.


Alternative 2: If your browser is very old, you might want to upgrade your browser to something more recent that supports Javascript.

  1. Unless you happen to have a browser on a CDROM (see notes on suitable versions below), you will need to download a new browser from the web (see sites below). Make sure your computer system meets the system requirements for the new browser you are going to install.
  2. Shut down this browser.
  3. Install the new browser (you may need to reboot your computer).
  4. Start the new browser.
  5. Reconnect to the Internet.
  6. Return to this website.

Recommended Browser Versions


  • Click here to go to the Firefox website to download the latest version of the Firefox browser.

Microsoft Internet Explorer

  • If you have a CDROM with Internet Explorer on it, make sure that it is version 5 or later.
  • Note: If you are using Windows 95, the most recent browser Windows 95 supports is Internet Explorer version 5.5.
  • Click here to go to Microsoft's website to download the latest version of Internet Explorer.


  • If you have a CDROM with Netscape on it, make sure that it is version 6.2 or later.
  • Click here to go to Netscape's website to download the latest version of their browser.


  • If you have a CDROM with Opera on it, make sure it is Version 7.1 or later.
  • Click here to go to Opera's website to download the latest version of Opera.

America Online (recommended for AOL subscribers)

  • If you have a CDROM with AOL on it, make sure it is Version 6.0 or later.
  • Click here to go to AOL's website to download the latest version of AOL.


Instructions for enabling Javascript for the Firefox browser

For Firefox versions 1.5 & 2:

  1. Select Tools / Options... from the menu.
  2. Select Content.
  3. Check Enable Javascript.
  4. Click OK.
  5. Select View / Reload from the menu.

For Firefox version 1:

  1. Select Tools / Options... from the menu.
  2. Select Web Features.
  3. Check Enable Javascript.
  4. Click OK.
  5. Select View / Reload from the menu.

Instructions for enabling Javascript for Microsoft's Internet Explorer browser

For Internet Explorer versions 5 and up:

  1. Select Tools / Internet Options... from the menu.
  2. Select the Security tab.
  3. Select the zone that contains this website (usually Internet).
  4. In the Security level for this zone box, click on the Custom Level... button.
  5. In the Settings listbox, scroll down to the Scripting heading near the end.
  6. Under Active scripting check Enable .
  7. Click OK.
  8. Click OK again.
  9. Select View / Refresh from the menu.

Earlier Internet Explorer versions:

Instructions for enabling Javascript on AOL

For AOL version 9.0:

  1. Click on the Settings icon on the toolbar.
  2. In the AOL Settings box, click on Internet Properties.
  3. On the right side of the Internet Preferences box, click on Internet Explorer settings.
  4. In the Internet Options box, select the Security tab.
  5. Select the zone that contains this website (usually Internet zone).
  6. In the Security level for this zone box click on the Custom Level... button.
  7. In the Settings listbox, scroll down to the Scripting heading near the end.
  8. Under Active scripting check Enable .
  9. Click OK to close the Security Settings dialog box.
  10. Click OK to close the Internet Options dialog box.
  11. Click on the Save button to close the Internet Preferences dialog box.
  12. Click on the close box (the in the upper right corner) to close the AOL Settings dialog box.
  13. Click on the F5 key on your keyboard to Reload/Refresh the page.

For AOL version 8.0:

  1. Using the Settings menu on the toolbar click on Preferences.
  2. Click on Internet Properties (WWW).
  3. In the AOL Internet Properties box, select the Security tab.
  4. Select the zone that contains this website (usually Internet zone).
  5. In the Security level for this zone box click on the Custom Level... button.
  6. In the Settings listbox, scroll down to the Scripting heading near the end.
  7. Under Active scripting check Enable .
  8. Click OK to close the Security Settings dialog box.
  9. Click OK to close the AOL Internet Properties dialog box.
  10. Click on the close box (the in the upper right corner) to close the Preferences dialog box.
  11. Click on the F5 key on your keyboard to Reload/Refresh the page.

For AOL version 6.0 and 7.0:

  1. Click on the Settings icon on the toolbar.
  2. Click on Preferences.
  3. Click on Internet Properties (WWW).
  4. Select the Security tab.
  5. Select the zone that contains this website (usually Internet zone).
  6. In the Security level for this zone box click on the Custom Level... button.
  7. In the Settings listbox, scroll down to the Scripting heading near the end.
  8. Under Active scripting check Enable .
  9. Click OK to close the Security Settings dialog box.
  10. Click OK to close the AOL Internet Options dialog box.
  11. Click on the close box (the in the upper right corner) to close the AOL Settings dialog box.
  12. Click on the (Reload/Refresh) icon.

Earlier AOL versions:

Instructions for enabling Javascript for the Netscape browser

For Netscape version 8:

  1. Select Tools / Options... from the menu.
  2. Select Site Controls.
  3. In the Web Features area check the Enable Javascript for box.
  4. Click OK.
  5. Select View / Reload from the menu.

For Netscape version 7:

  1. Select Edit / Preferences... from the menu.
  2. In the Category box click on the arrow next to "Advanced" to show subtopics.
  3. Select Scripts & Plugins.
  4. In the Enable Javascript for box check Navigator.
  5. Click OK.
  6. Select View / Reload from the menu.

For Netscape version 6.2:

  1. Select Edit / Preferences... from the menu.
  2. In the Category box select Advanced .
  3. In the Enable features that help interpret web pages box check Enable Javascript for Navigator .
  4. Click OK.
  5. Select View / Reload from the menu.

Earlier Netscape versions:

Instructions for enabling Javascript for the Opera browser

For Opera versions 8 & 9:

  1. Select Tools / Preferences... from the menu.
  2. Select the Advanced tab..
  3. Select Content.
  4. Check Enable Javascript.
  5. Click OK.
  6. Click on on the toolbar to reload.

For Opera version 7.5:

  1. Select Tools / Preferences... from the menu.
  2. Select Multimedia.
  3. Check Enable Javascript.
  4. Click OK.
  5. Select Navigation / Reload from the menu.

For Opera version 7.2:

  1. Select File / Preferences... from the menu.
  2. Select Multimedia.
  3. Check Enable Javascript.
  4. Click OK.
  5. Select Navigation / Reload from the menu.

For Opera version 7.1:

  1. Select File / Preferences... from the menu.
  2. Select Multimedia.
  3. Check Javascript.
  4. Click OK.
  5. Select Navigation / Reload from the menu.

Earlier Opera versions: